Monday, April 5, 2010

La Premiere

Well, here we are. I, the writer. You, the reader. Today, we've made a conscious decision to actively share something between us: words. Although this will be more of a monologue, I truly hope you gain as much out of this as I do (even though I'm uncertain as to what that is). I do know however, that I am in a desperate search of a steady, creative outlet. For this reason alone, I am here. I have never blogged before, but already, I know that I want this blog to be of utmost self-expression: a safe place where I feel no pressure to impress and no self-imposed fabrication of failure. This is an evolving blog primarily about food, with a dash of the unpredictabilities of life, and a pinch of travel stories. I understand that I share the passions of food and travel with many of you out there. I mean, who doesn't love touring an infamous prison in the middle of Bolivia, or the distinct smell of veal running (or I suppose, standing) through the air? The only difference now is that instead of sharing my zeal for food with the table next to me, I wanted to communicate on a larger scale. I realized this one day while painting. Yes, at times I paint. At times, I sing. Always, I write- but for whom? While painting, I thought, 'who is ever going to see this, but me'? 'what is the point of continually creating art all the time if no one else gets to enjoy it'? Of course, one should always do what they love for themselves first (and I would truly go crazy if I ever stopped), but now, I feel like I need to contribute my energy to rest of the world. It's almost selfish of any of us to keep it locked in one place! In turn, maybe the creativity that I release here today might return to me instead of slipping away like a first love, never to be seen again.

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