Tuesday, April 6, 2010

(3) My Mission

Today I've decided to give myself a task with this blog in order to, well, stay on task. I feel like if I have a specific mission then I will actually keep up with this blog instead of allowing it to wilt away- much, to my dismay, like my new vegetable garden. I am only going to be in Austin until August (it is now April 6th) so that means I have roughly 100 days left to write about this city. Meaning, I plan to write 100 entries. 'Can she do it?' you ask. 100 entries is a daunting undertaking for anyone. That means I have to basically write everyday regardless of how I feel. I might be sick, I might be tired, I might have work to do, and hey, I might not be in the mood to even write, but you are getting something from me damnit! That, I promise. I know everything I write isn't gold (I would love it if my writing earned me gold...), but I'm going to at least try to entertain you on some level and give you a reason to stick by my side, or in this case, my stomach. From now on, I will number all my posts. Some days I might write two or three, and some days I might not write any at all, but by the end of this, I hope there is a nice three-digit number of blogs for you to read. If you are even out there reading...?

1 comment:

  1. Ummm, helloooo?? You have 90 posts to go. Get cracking lady! :)
    Btw, I think what this blog is lacking is a shout-out to your big sista Gabrielle. I mean, she's really pretty fabulous if you think about it. Ahem. Moving on, what your followers also need to understand is that you are the littlest person to ever eat/digest as much as you have in your lifetime. It's record-breaking, frankly, because you should be the size of Mexico. I've almost finished losing the weight I gained after eating my way through Austin with you recently. With every stomach roll that spilled over my jeans I'd watch your waist sink in another inch. Impossible. Nevertheless, I'd do it again. (I'd just go about our meals more slowly if I did it over though--you know how I get all excited over a good meal and forget to chew.) Can't wait till you move to LA to fatten me back up! :)
